Ha! Website updated! I know! Finally!

Such a good feeling… I don’t know if I wasted more time or was actually quite productive, but I officially have some content on the page. The design isn’t exactly what I want, but it’s good enough for now. Also discovered that if I spent enough time and effort, I’m actually smart enough to figure things out on my own. (Of course, it only shows me how much more I have to learn, and the code still freaks me the hell out…) But all is well. Soon I will know how to write my own code and then work up enough courage to design something.  I don’t want it complicated, I just want it to look pretty and function well.

As for this lovely WordPress site, I took down the cool Evan Eckard theme, despite my love for it, and chose the John Turner theme Twordder.  (I think it’s an absurd name, but it was inspired by Twitter and is one of the easiest, most flexible themes out there.)  The other option I considered was Atahaulpa (which has another bad name…who can remember that?).  I loved all of the options it had, but no custom header–the photos were from its database–and OMG overwhelming.  So much stuff… If I understood what all the stuff meant better, I’m sure I would be completely impressed by it.  But, alas… I like the custom header of this theme–I can just draw my own picture (sign my own name?), scan the whole thing in, make it whatever size I want (which I also figured out how to do yesterday…) and then it’s done. I worked forever on developing a pretty wheat picture for the tiled background of this one as well, but that was a few months ago and then I was seduced by the Notepad Chaos. Now that I’ve tried it again, it looks boring and juvenile and amateur and all those horrible things that I don’t want to be. I’m quite proud of myself for getting to a certain level in Illustrator, but clearly not the level I was expecting… Still. Baby steps.

4 thoughts on “Ha! Website updated! I know! Finally!

  1. I doubt this is fair, commenting on my own posts, but I’m too lazy to edit… Found many other themes that liked, but NO OPTIONS. What’s up with that? I would think that designers would want their themes as flexible as possible to appeal to MORE people. I tried, then threw up my hands and went back to this one.

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