his is NOT a plug for a friend. I promise. Jennifer is an amazing teacher and a true inspiration, and she believes in people. You want to write? Excellent. She will teach you how to write. You have to do the work, and it might take years, but she’s there for you.

Again. Not the point. It’s all about me, right?
I’ve been having a hard time with writing. I’ve been trying to work on a new project, and it hasn’t gone well. Usually I get the idea, I get excited, I do tons of research (which, in turn, gives me more ideas and inspiration), and then I sit down and write. Viola! Novel. This one? Not so much.
And Jennifer’s probably telling me what a lovely writer I am just so that she can get someone else to pay for her class (just kidding!), but it’s exactly the motivation I needed at a time when I really had to do something different with my writing. Read More