Blogs I like

In an effort to be both productive and useful when I really don’t have anything to say, I’m going to give a quick list of some of my favorite blogs out there.  (I’d like to think it’s because I’m too busy writing, but it’s not true–more than anything, I’ve just been staring at the computer screen.  I’ll type a sentence after about ten minutes, then go do something else, feel guilty, come back and sit down, and then another ten minutes, another sentence.  Lather, rinse, repeat…)

This is one of the blogs that’s on that list.  I really like Missy.  She’s got a lot of information on her blog, there’s excerpts from books, videos about writers, suggestions for writing exercises…  It’s pretty interesting and fun.  And she’s not too shabby to follow on Twitter either.  If she’s actually working on writing and tweets about it, it’s amazing how guilty that makes me feel.  Sends me right back to the computer.

THIS is my all-time favorite.  I LOVE Kristen.  She’s funny, informative, and she doesn’t waste a lot of time.  Her blog is clean and simple.  Plus, she gives a good angle on what it’s like to be an agent, and how much stress they’re under.  It really shows how much time she spends on her writers, and how devoted she is to them.  Just gives me a warm fuzzy.

And although I hate to admit it, I haven’t actually read any of Chelsea Cain’s books.  I know, I know.  It’s shameful.  But I was a devoted follower of her column in The Oregonian and was really upset when she stopped writing it.  Honestly.  Only thing worthwhile.  I have Sweetheart sitting on my desk though–I’ve just been doing so much of my own research that I haven’t had time.  But I love her website.  She just seems so fun and genuine.  Especially her most recent advice:  (You may have to scroll down a bit until you find her–it was a few days ago.)  I laughed because so much of her advice has to do with wine, and then she makes the exact same comment in the comments section.  Pretty amusing.  So I have the idea that we would get along great, especially since I would be one of those writers holding the glass of wine because I didn’t know what else to do with myself at a party like that, tilting it and looking drunk…  See?  She’s my new BFF.

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