My New Favorite Artist Scott FitzGerald

So the artist Scott FitzGerald is not really a new favorite artist. I’ve owned a couple of his pieces for over a year now. Well. Not really a couple of pieces. One. One piece. But I have my eye on another…  Afternoon Light is closest to the one I own. The colors are more muted in this one. Maybe mine’s earlier in the day… Tee hee.

He recently had a Retrospective Exhibition in September and put the website up, and that’s when I first saw his etchings. Which are amazing. That’s my real next goal. I have one of the paintings, now I need one of those insanely detailed etchings.

He’s nearly impossible to find on the Internet because of that damn name. Anytime you look up anything close to Scott FitzGerald, naturally F. Scott Fitzgerald comes up.

And then if you try adding “etchings” or “paintings” it doesn’t help, because then you get a bunch of images of F. Scott Fitzgerald. He’s not a bad looking guy, even if it does look like he used a tube of Brylcreem a day. It’s just not what I wanted. (Which they still make. The Brylcreem, I mean. I kid you not. Check it out here. Isn’t that enough to make you want to buy some?)

But I digress. This are all reasons why I decided that the real Scott FitzGerald needed a little promo from me. (Even if it is on a blog that very few people enjoy…)

I love him because he completely reminds me of those Romantic artists from the 19th century. Casper David Frederich and all that.

And the etchings are almost Steampunk, wot? OK. Not really. But maybe some strange, quirky, 1940’s California Steampunk… The Rocketeer, right? There was even an airship, for goodness sake. Done. I’m calling it. Steampunk. Enjoy.

etching by artist Scott FitzGerald